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How Our Stock Picks Crushed the Market, in 1 Chart [5-minute read] A small but devoted group of critics say I told them to stay out of stocks … here’s what I have to say to them.
Still betting against the Fed in this market? This billionaire hedge fund manager was humbled for doing just that. Fed Week Kicks Off; Gilead Buyout Talks; Dunkin’ With Donuts
by Joseph Hargett June 8, 2020 Great Stuff
Humbled By The Fed Hey, y’all … it’s Fed week! Are you ready? Are you pumped up to hear from the U.S. Federal Reserve on the state of the U.S. economy? Rarely will you see a stock market more excited about the prospect of the Fed doing absolutely nothing than this week. Economists expect Fed […]
Get Ready: Zinc Stocks Setting Up for Recovery Rally (3-minute read) 2020 has been a nightmare for the markets. But 2021 could be one of the best.
The “Grand Reopening” proves that April’s lost jobs are still waiting for employees to return. Now if this virus thing would just pass… Jobs Surprise; Tech Teams Up; The Truth Hertz
by Joseph Hargett June 5, 2020 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: The “Pedal to the Metal” Edition I’ve been trading all night; my hands are wet on the keys. There’s a voice in my head that drives my feels. It’s the market callin’, says “I need you here.” And it’s half past four, and I’m shifting gears. We don’t need no letter at […]
Help! What Do I Do Before an Option Expires? (5-minute read) Options can sometimes be intimidating. But don’t let these lucrative opportunities pass you by. John Ross walks you through some options terms and answers subscriber questions.

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