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The Best Long-Term Indicator You Never Looked At November 22, 2017 Global Economy Investors devote countless hours searching for stock market indicators. However, they rarely consider one of the most important long-term indicators.
Bill Gates Just Put $80 Million Into This Tech Trend November 18, 2017 Investment Opportunities The IoT tech trend, which our tech expert Paul is always urging you to invest in, is clearly happening — and in big, paradigm-shifting ways.
The AI Revolution: 5 Ways to Profit Now November 17, 2017 Investment Opportunities AI will definitely have a big impact on our lives. The question for investors is, how best to take advantage of the inevitable?
The Hot New Tech Industry You’ve Never Heard Of November 16, 2017 Investment Opportunities There are 80 new tech companies whose products and services are finding their way into compliance-heavy industries in need of a boost to profits.
Capture the Next Big Trend in Solar Energy November 15, 2017 Stocks More countries are relying on solar energy to meet their electricity needs and now a new technology has emerged that can change the industry.