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rise of oil prices The Rise of Black Gold
by Jeff Yastine January 10, 2017 Oil
Wall Street seems to think that America's shale industry will be able to save us from higher oil prices in the months and years ahead. But with shale oil production shutting down, that seems like a long shot...
Third World Employment Is Here Third World Employment Is Here
by Ted Bauman January 9, 2017 U.S. Economy
A new study says that 94% of the 10 million jobs created after 2008 were temp positions. That’s 10 million jobs with no security and little future … it’s a recipe for disaster.
The Wages Experiment The Wages Experiment
by Jocelynn Smith January 7, 2017 U.S. Economy
Last year, average hourly wages rose at the fastest pace since 2009. And that’s just the beginning… Twenty states will lift their minimum wage in 2017. It’s as if the country has become a giant economic experiment.
Preparing for the New Trump Economy Preparing for the New Trump Economy
by Jeff Opdyke December 21, 2016 U.S. Economy
So many promises and threats are waiting to either unfold or fizzle. Which Donald Trump will show up to his first day on the job? Wall Street's directional future depends on that answer.
The Last Chance for Gold The Last Chance for Gold
by Jeff Yastine December 13, 2016 Gold
If you were waiting on the sidelines after this year’s monster rally, this may be your last chance to buy gold and gold mining stocks at these prices…

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