Latest Insights on BILI
The Paradox of Cash: It’s Always the Government’s Money May 23, 2016 Currency For most of human history, we’ve lived in largely cashless societies. It’s nothing new. But there are concerns about a modern cashless society, and the real threat should terrify you.
Panama Papers — Are You in the Clear? May 16, 2016 Government & Politics The Panama Papers leak exposed quite a bit of personal information, much to the detriment of many legal offshore operations. Are you among those at risk? You may well be…
Market Declines & Options on The S&P 500 Explained May 13, 2016 Stocks For the first time since 2008, we are facing four straight quarters of negative earnings growth. Stocks are now poised for a plunge, but there is one sector that could offer you protection.
The $3.7 Trillion Municipal-Bond Market Just Isn’t That “Liquid” May 10, 2016 Bonds The Fed is allowing big banks to treat municipal bonds as safe, high-quality assets for emergency reserves. But once you’ve read up on Ramapo, New York, “safe” no longer comes to mind.
America’s Pension Problem April 27, 2016 Government & Politics The government has a growing problem with its pension plans that will comes to an explosive head very soon. And no one will like the answer to the problem.