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Latest Insights on VZ

The future is already looking bright for Vuzix stock, not just because of the boom in smart glasses, but because of what it’s doing specifically as a company. Vuzix: The Augmented Reality Company to Invest In January 23, 2018 by Ian Dyer Investment Opportunities The future is already looking bright for this company and not just because of the boom in augmented reality and smart glasses.
Gold has surprisingly outperformed the broad market over the past month, and it’s likely to maintain that uptrend through a potential pullback in stocks. It’s a Great Time to Add Gold to Your Portfolio January 19, 2018 by Jocelynn Smith Gold There is one standout this year that could easily weather a government shutdown and a stock market sell-off, and that's gold.
President Donald Trump may not realize it, but he may be afflicted with an inherent belief in “othering," a sort of logic that dehumanizes or devalues opposed people. With Immigration, Compassion Must Prevail January 16, 2018 by Bob Bauman Government & Politics President Donald Trump may not realize it, but he may be afflicted with an inherent belief in “othering," a sort of logic that dehumanizes or devalues opposed people.
The concept behind the Dogs of the Dow is based on a simple correlation between price and dividend yield of the stock. And it can help you beat the market in 2018. A Simple Investing Strategy Using the Dividend Yield January 12, 2018 by Chad Shoop Stocks I find myself overanalyzing the markets sometimes. So I’m happy to share with you today a very simple strategy you can use in 2018.
The Internet of Things (IoT) will continue to be a driving force in 2018 and it will succeed in making companies run more efficiently. The IoT Revolution Is Heating Up December 20, 2017 by Jocelynn Smith Investment Opportunities While we’ve been talking about the Internet of Things (IoT) for several years now, there’s still ample room for growth in 2018 and beyond.

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