Latest Insights on ESPO
Young Americans Are the Hope of Our Country June 5, 2018 Economy, U.S. Economy In 2018, I realized the grave difficulties both of my grandsons and all young Americans face today. And these young Americans are very much concerned about their future.
This Visionary Is Loading up on Shares of His Next Venture May 30, 2018 Investing, Investment Opportunities I believe in the power of insider buying. Academics have highlighted and investors have enjoyed the benefits of following directors and officers into trades.
The Spy in Your Living Room May 26, 2018 Investing, Technology, Trending If I had to compare the Amazon Echo to something, I’d say it’s like having a live-in research assistant. Sounds helpful, right? It does. But … it also sounds incredibly creepy.
The Fed Is on Track to Push the Economy Into Recession May 16, 2018 Economy, U.S. Economy Members of the Fed try to manage how fast the economy grows. Usually, they manage to slow the economy. But they also end up causing a recession.
Oil Prices Just Entered Bubble Territory May 10, 2018 Economy, Oil Gains in oil seem like a natural response to any action against Iran. But as this chart shows, oil is now at an extreme level only seen in bubbles.