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The Fed’s mixed message — banks need to be free to speculate, but not free enough to increase dividends — is giving Wall Street a headache. Big Banks Bound; Nike Left Barfoot; Mobile Suit Ekso
by Joseph Hargett June 26, 2020 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: The “Follow the Bouncing Banks” Edition What in the wild, wild world of banks is a goin’ on here? Yesterday, the Federal Deposited Insurance Commission (FDIC) rolled back Volcker Rule restrictions on big banks. Put simply, the loosened rules allow banking giants to more easily channel money into risky investments, such as […]
The “Grand Reopening” proves that April’s lost jobs are still waiting for employees to return. Now if this virus thing would just pass… Jobs Surprise; Tech Teams Up; The Truth Hertz
by Joseph Hargett June 5, 2020 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: The “Pedal to the Metal” Edition I’ve been trading all night; my hands are wet on the keys. There’s a voice in my head that drives my feels. It’s the market callin’, says “I need you here.” And it’s half past four, and I’m shifting gears. We don’t need no letter at […]
The Nasdaq just hit an all-time high. Why not the Dow or the S&P 500? Why isn’t Wall Street’s old guard leading this Fed-fueled rally? The Future Is Now: Nasdaq Necks New Highs
by Joseph Hargett June 4, 2020 Great Stuff
Why the Nasdaq? Something astounding happened today, dear reader. The Nasdaq Composite just broke out to fresh all-time highs. You’re probably questioning why any part of the market is hitting all-time highs when weekly jobless claims and total unemployment figures still come in worse than expected. Or, for that matter, why stocks are rallying at […]
Microsoft Shares Will Crash 30% This Year Last time Microsoft was this popular was back in 1999 and early 2000. You know what happened next.
In the market’s sea of frothing bullishness, someone almost had an epiphany … and then stumbled over a pile of Fed cash and forgot it. 30 Million Unemployed; Tesla Cries Freedom; Microsoft Goes Hard
by Joseph Hargett April 30, 2020 Great Stuff
On the Turning Away… …from the pale and downtrodden … and the words that they say which we don’t understand. Wall Street almost — almost — became aware of the U.S. economy this morning. Continuing the epic U.S. employment saga, the Labor Department put another brick in the unemployment wall this morning. Some 3.8 million […]

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