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gold is coming back Don’t Count Gold Out — It’s Coming Back With a Vengeance Gold is failing as a safe haven. But the weakness is temporary, and investors looking to safeguard their portfolios have the chance to get ahead of the crowd. Anthony Planas shares why now is a great time to take a position in gold before it becomes a popular safe haven again.
Steven be nimble, Steven be quick. Steven Mnuchin, U.S. Treasury Secretary, wants Congress to hand out cash real slick. ’Cause cash is the public’s only friend. Washington’s Cash Injection; Fujifilm’s Big Rejection
by Joseph Hargett March 19, 2020 Great Stuff
Bye, Bye, Bull Market Ride A long, long time ago … I can still remember how that bull market used to make me smile. And I knew if I had my way that I could make those winning trades, and maybe we’d be happy for a while. But March made me shiver, with every issue […]
Everybody’s talking about recession, depression, regression, correction, mass infection, elections … all Great Stuff is saying is “chill the freak out.” Washington Makes It Rain; Invest in Biotech Again? Time to Make It Rain Everybody’s talking about recession, depression, regression, correction, mass infection, elections… All Great Stuff is saying is “chill the freak out.” We’ve gone from no worry at all … to recession concerns … to full-blown depression fears in less than two weeks. It’s so bad that economists and analysts are already […]
Coronavirus Market Plunge: 1 Strategy to Profit Off Panic The Fed spooked markets when it panicked. There is a rush to dump stocks. But stay calm. Our expert Chad Shoop is bringing you everything you need to know to protect yourself from market volatility. Check out his latest video for an update on the coronavirus, oil and where the S&P 500 is heading.
Don’t panic? I don’t have to tell you. You’re Great Stuff readers. You’re prepared and banking triple-digit gains along the way. Oil Price Wars, Virus Bores, Inovio Soars It’s the End of the World as We Know It … and I Feel Fine Well, you can say one positive thing about 2020 so far: It hasn’t been boring. So far, we’ve seen a U.S.-China trade war, World War III threats, Australia on fire and a global pandemic. And it’s only March. But wait […]

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