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Latest Insights on KO

Earnings season headlines promote a feeling of “everything’s OK” … but a darker message lies just beneath the surface. Relishing Relief: Fastenal Your Seatbelts
by Joseph Hargett April 14, 2020 Great Stuff
How Do You Spell Relief? And they’re off! The first (annual?) U.S. quarantined corporate earnings season kicked off this morning, and investors loved the red-hot rally action. It was 2% to 3% gains across the board as the market opened. Wall Street finally has concrete data on how the pandemic has affected American businesses. JPMorgan […]
I felt a great disturbance in the economy, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly unemployed. 6.6 Million Job Cuts; Luckin Nuts; Zoom’s a Klutz
by Joseph Hargett April 2, 2020 Great Stuff
Thanks, I Hate Record-Setting Years Anyone else tired of records? I’m not talking about vinyl. My vinyl collection is one of the few things keeping me sane during this quarantine (The White Album, Led Zeppelin IV, Ziggy Stardust, Dark Side of the Moon, Facelift, Paul’s Boutique, World Domination … it gets more eccentric as the […]
bankruptcy firms bank on coronavirus These 4 Bankruptcy Firms Have 40% Upside It makes sense to consider bankruptcy firms when companies are struggling. Their stocks will gain 40% or more in this environment.
carnival cruise top view of cruise ship [UPDATE] Virus Panic — Could This Cruise Ship Stock Rally 50%? Shares of Carnival have been under pressure, with major impacts expected, due to the coronavirus. In my latest Bank It or Tank It, I dive into how Wall Street will account for these impacts on Carnival. Plus, we’ll tackle its fundamentals and sentiment readings, and take a look at the price chart to see if we will bank it or tank it.
After 15 days of social distancing and scouring the earth for anything that resembles toilet paper … the market wants nothing more than a return to normalcy. Viable Vaccines and Yesterday’s Dreams
by Joseph Hargett March 30, 2020 Great Stuff
There’s an Ordinary World… Somehow I have to find. And as I try to make my way to the ordinary world, I will learn to survive. I hope you like spending time with your family, ‘cause we’re in for another month of social distancing. As part of his regular COVID-19 briefing to the American people, […]

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