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Energy Is a Long-Term Buy February 6, 2017 Trading Strategies When a rubber band is stretched too far, it tends to snap back. The same is true of stocks in the long run … with the long run measured in years.
Your Passport to Affordable Health Care January 30, 2017 Offshore Solutions Despite success in medical techniques, the U.S. has a disastrous, overpriced health care system. In fact, you could pay less traveling abroad for care, including round trip airfare.
Income, Debt and Winning in 2017 January 14, 2017 Investing At the end of 2016, we asked you to write in and tell us your No. 1 priority for 2017 and your No. 1 worry. Income, debt and the economy topped many lists … see if they match up with yours.
The Rise of Black Gold January 10, 2017 Oil Wall Street seems to think that America's shale industry will be able to save us from higher oil prices in the months and years ahead. But with shale oil production shutting down, that seems like a long shot...
Third World Employment Is Here January 9, 2017 U.S. Economy A new study says that 94% of the 10 million jobs created after 2008 were temp positions. That’s 10 million jobs with no security and little future … it’s a recipe for disaster.