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Move to earn crypto app Meet Your Fitness Goals With Move-to-Earn Cryptos Back in 2019, I started training to run the 2020 Miami Marathon. My pace was decent during the marathon. But I wasn’t satisfied because I knew I could do better. A few weeks afterward, the world went into lockdown due to COVID-19. The gyms shut down. So running was the only way I could work […]
The end of paper money The End of Paper Money Cash is going to be useless by the end of the decade. Everything is going digital.
Tax code can give you huge advantage This Tax Code Can Give You a Huge Advantage
by Charles Mizrahi April 12, 2022 Real Talk, Stocks, Taxes
(4-minute read) This tax season, Charles shares a simple, easy and legal way to put more money in your pocket instead of Uncle Sam’s…
Zuck Bucks You Played Yourself Meme It (Still) Sucks To Zuck; Ford’s Af-Ford-ability; Buffett’s Printer Buffet?
by Joseph Hargett April 7, 2022 Great Stuff
A Token Crypto Investment How much does a digital dollar really cost? The question is detrimental, paralyzin’ my thoughts — parasites in my social media keep me with a gut feeling, y’all… Oh, oh, I know this one … nah, I’ve got nothing. I don’t think Kendrick Lamar was talking about digital dollars as much […]
Clean Energy ETF opportunity Buy This ETF If You Love American Energy Independence Our transition to clean energy still has a long way to go. This creates a HUGE investment opportunity.

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