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Beware a Strong Dollar Beware a Strong Dollar December 17, 2016 by Jocelynn Smith Global Economy Strong is good. Strong earnings. Strong sales. These paint a picture of economic growth, which is good for the country. But when it comes to the U.S. dollar in a global market … strong is a problem.
The Fed's Debt Problem OP-ED: The Fed’s Debt & Traditional Yields Are Just The Beginning December 15, 2016 by Chad Shoop Investment Opportunities The latest rate hike may appear to bring traditional yield assets back into the mainstream. But the Fed has a debt problem, so don’t get your hopes up.
The Last Chance for Gold The Last Chance for Gold December 13, 2016 by Jeff Yastine Gold If you were waiting on the sidelines after this year’s monster rally, this may be your last chance to buy gold and gold mining stocks at these prices…
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