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House market saving dream home wallpaper meme Housing Crashes, Coinbase Clashes & Tesla Trashes
by Joseph Hargett May 27, 2022 Great Stuff
Friday Feedback: The “Housing Crashes” Edition Arrr ya ready, Great Ones! Aye! Aye! Mr. Great Stuff! Oooh! Who lives in Kentucky out in BFE? Mr. Great Stuff! Absorbent and yellow and porous is he! Mr. … wait, you get us with this every time! Yeah, and I still think it’s funny. Y’all know what today […]
The VIX Is Broken — Use This Instead The VIX Is Broken — Use This Instead The VIX is CNBC's favorite sentiment indicator, but it has a fatal flaw. It can't tell you what's happening next — unlike Mike's Greed Gauge.
I should trust the Fed? cat meme The Fed Can’t Fix It, Walmart Drones On & Wendy’s Frosty Buyout
by Joseph Hargett May 25, 2022 Great Stuff
The Fed Won’t Save You This Time Great Ones, I’ve caught a lot of flack for reiterating and believing in the Federal Reserve’s former mantra that inflation is transitory. I honestly believed that narrative. It made sense … at the time. But times change. New facts and events emerge. New data is made available. And […]
Kermit tea Boston Beer cannabis drink meme GameStop’s Great Gaff, Cheers For CannaBeers, DiDi’s Decision Time
by Joseph Hargett May 23, 2022 Great Stuff
I’m A Little TeaPot Ready or not, Great Ones, here comes Boston Beer (NYSE: ) with a brand-new cannabis-infused brew, adorably coined “TeaPot.” It’s a line of teas with marijuana mixed into it … get it? Um, sure. And what is this? Are you going straight into the meat of the matter for once? Can […]
Ford recalls engine fires Mach EV meme Ford Fights Faulty Fires, Kohl’s As Ice, GOOS On The Loose
by Joseph Hargett May 19, 2022 Great Stuff
Light My EVs In A Daze Never leave … your EVs buuuurnin’. Ford stock is broad — but it’s a-hurtin’. All I want … is for you to make electric cars that don’t spontaneously combust. Is that so hard? Wait, when did the Stones talk about electric cars? Hmm, must’ve been a B-side… If you […]

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