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Click Away, Kings Bryan Klindworth, my right-hand man, said something in his noon coaching session today that I’d like to touch on… He said, “Every headline you see, no matter which website it comes from, is designed to do one thing, and one thing only: Get you to CLICK!”
3 Fears of a Mad and Macabre Market Inflation, bad earnings reports, ridiculous tweets from psychotic CEOs… All of these things cause our hearts to race, beating rapidly through the floorboards, a tell-tale trader now in full panic...
What does it say about 2020 that a new president’s election isn’t the biggest news? A 5% rally all over a McPlant… Wall Street’s Hope Injection; Plug’s Power; McFaceplant
by Joseph Hargett November 9, 2020 Great Stuff
The Hope Inoculum Positive vaccine results and a president-elect? Take that stock market uncertainty! Great Ones, we just took two large steps forward in weeding out market volatility. As you all probably already know, the major U.S. broadcasting networks dubbed Joe Biden president-elect over the weekend. Clearly, this is an unofficial declaration, as there are […]
Wall Street weights payroll tax cut promises. Also, stocks are up today … because stocks were down yesterday. Viral Taxes, Tesla Production Maxes, Dick’s Be Axin’
by Joseph Hargett March 10, 2020 Great Stuff
Tax Cuts for Viruses I have a TLDR (too long, didn’t read) for you today: Stocks are up today … because stocks were down yesterday. It’s a bit tongue-in-cheek, but if the shoe fits … I think we can all agree that the market’s volatility has just been ridiculous lately. The financial media tell you […]
Peloton Gets Pounded; Lululemon’s Discount Yoga Pants
by Joseph Hargett December 12, 2019 Great Stuff
Have I lost my mind? Or am I seriously agreeing with Andrew Left and Citron Research on Peloton Interactive?

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