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This is 2020 — everything’s contested and nothing comes easy, even for investors. You need someone to help you hold on to your butt. Election Affliction; AMD Conviction; Nio’s European Vacation
by Joseph Hargett November 4, 2020 Great Stuff
Welcome to Election Park Mr. Great Stuff, If you do anything on Election Day besides vote, can you please make a meme of the Samuel L. Jackson quote from Jurassic Park where he says, “Hold on to your butts.” … I think it would be a perfect fit for election day and all the outcomes […]
#2020Election: Where to Place Your Stock Market Bets Now [4-minute read] Making money in the stock market is a strictly apolitical activity.
Hydrogen, taxes … and Dodd-Frank? What? Hey, it’s Reader Feedback day at Great Stuff; you never know what you’re going to get. Hydrogen: 3 Stocks for an $11 Trillion Market
by Joseph Hargett October 1, 2020 Great Stuff
Hydrogen: It’s a Gas, Gas, Gas! Welcome to Reader Feedback day! As usual, today is all about you, dear reader! Your questions. Your concerns. Your interestingly worded rants and lyrical requests … the works. So sit back, relax and enjoy the show. Oh, and if you haven’t written in yet, now’s your chance! Drop the […]
Market fears bubble slowly at first, like boiling water. And us? Frogs in a pot, my friend. Frogs in a pot. VIX Vapors; Macy’s Misses; Jordan Drafted Again?
by Joseph Hargett September 2, 2020 Great Stuff
The VIX Busts a Move This here’s a tale for all investors, tryin’ to do what those markets tell us. You’re about to get shot down cause you’re overzealous. Bulls play hard to get, volatility gets jealous. OK, smarty … where’s the real party? Where can I bust a market move? I’m glad you asked, […]
Tesla — where the price is made up, and the rules don’t apply. Today, we break down what value hunting even means in the Soma-shocked market. Whistling Tesla; Kodak Moments; Walmart Plus Ultra
by Joseph Hargett September 1, 2020 Great Stuff
A Slight Case of Overvaluation Do you think [Tesla] is slightly over valued? — Lee S., Great Stuff reader. First, thank you Lee for your question and your readership. Your email gives me an excuse to sidestep the market today. And I’m kinda tired of talking about the Fed and the economy … and all […]

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