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Is the Federal Reserve Engineering a Recession? Is the Federal Reserve Engineering a Recession?
by Ian King January 24, 2023 Banyan Edge, Economy, Investing, Stocks
The Federal Reserve made a big mistake back in 2008... and now, it's trying to undo that mistake by making life harder for you.
How to start investing in a bear market. New Data Metrics for Investing in a Bear Market Investing in a bear market isn't easy. Today's podcast focuses on new data metrics to help you position yourself for profits in the next few years!
Fakeout rally highs and lows in a bear market.Fakeout rally highs and lows in a bear market. What 4 “Fakeout Rallies” Tell Us About This Bear Market
by Michael Carr January 15, 2023 Banyan Edge, Economy
So far in 2023, stocks are going up. But don't be fooled -- it could just be a fakeout rally, gearing up for the next market shakeout.
Ranking Tech Stocks of 2023 Tech Stocks: Ranking the Most Expensive Sector of 2023 Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Netflix & more. Research shows that tech is THE most expensive sector. Adam ranks "top" tech stocks for 2023.
Starbucks is an example of a Silicon Shakeout trade. Starbucks Was the Perfect “Silicon Shakeout” Trade in 2022 Starbucks (SBUX) tanked in 2022, along with other tech stocks. Then it rallied 66%. Here's why it's a perfect example of a Silicon Shakeout trade...

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