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All the Ways You’re Not Using Options October 10, 2022 Investing, Trading Strategies, True Options Masters I believe options should be popular. Because options offer options, and that means they offer a strategy that could be right for almost every trader...
Trading the U.K. Before It Imploded October 3, 2022 Investing, Trading Strategies, True Options Masters I learned many things in the military. For example, I can assemble an M4 rifle with my eyes closed. That’s mechanical knowledge – an exercise in memorization and repetition. But I also learned more analytical skills by looking beneath the surface of unexpected situations...
Think Option Leverage is Simple? Think Again September 28, 2022 Investing, King's Corner, Trading Strategies One key concept to understanding how a position will behave is what I call effective leverage. Here's how to use it like an expert...
Nvidia Drops A GPU Bomb, Beyond Meat’s Carne Carnage, StitchFix In Stitches September 21, 2022 Great Stuff Nvidia’s Weird Science Smorgasbord From my heart and from my hand, why don’t investors understand Nvidia (Nasdaq: )? Is that … is that “Weird Science”? Really? Weird, I know. You got something against Oingo Boingo, Great Ones? Also, Weird Science (the movie) is how all of us … erm, middle school boys? … hoped, no, […]
Why Battery Storage Will Save Our Power Grid September 21, 2022 Investing, Investment Opportunities, Technology, Winning Investor Daily Battery storage is the key to saving America's failing power grid. Find out why battery stocks are on track to create a $16 trillion industry!