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5G: The Biggest Threat to Broadband Providers
by Jeff Yastine September 4, 2018 Technology, Trending
5G is a magnitude faster and more powerful than even the fastest wired-broadband speeds today. And plus, no more waiting for the cable guy to show up.
Class Warfare Is Already Happening Here
by Ted Bauman September 3, 2018 Government & Politics
People are going to get tired of waiting for their lives to improve. When they do, they will start to act out politically and destabilize the country.
Trump’s NAFTA Deal Doesn’t Matter to Traders
by Michael Carr September 3, 2018 Government & Politics
Tariffs won’t create jobs. Government mandates won’t create wealth. That means traders won’t react to new trade agreements. News reporters will.
Trump’s Economy: Too Good to Be True?
by Chad Shoop September 3, 2018 Economy
Many analysts say employment is almost too good to be true. And from here, we can expect things to get worse. So, are the good times over?
Research Shows This Income Level Equals Happiness
by Jessica Cohn September 1, 2018 Investing, Social
What truly makes someone happy? The concept always seemed so elusive. That is, until I read that money can, in fact, buy happiness.

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