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Next gen coin is the internets future The Next Gen Coin Is the Internet’s Future April 26, 2022 by Ian King Cryptocurrency, Winning Investor Daily These decentralized breakthroughs all rely on the technology that underpins what I call the “Next Gen Coin.”
Crypto Chat with Adam O'Dell A Special Crypto Chat With Adam O’Dell April 22, 2022 by Ian King Cryptocurrency, Winning Investor Daily We talked about bitcoin, Ethereum, Web3 and other developments in the crypto space.
Is LMND the Lone Survivor of the Tech Stock Massacre? Is LMND the Lone Survivor of the Tech Stock Massacre? April 21, 2022 by Chad Shoop Bank It or Tank It, Investing, Trading Strategies, True Options Masters One zealous reader sent Chad 24 stocks to review! Almost all surged then crashed after the pandemic, including LMND... But is it a buy now?
avoid roller coaster stocks Avoid these 3 Roller Coaster Stocks During Earnings Season April 21, 2022 by Clint Lee Big Picture. Big Profits., Stocks, Trending It makes sense to avoid companies that could send investors for a “ride” after seeing downward revisions to their profit forecasts and running high-risk balance sheets. Using quantitative analysis, it’s easy to screen for companies that could be vulnerable to those catalysts. These same factors have been proven in back testing to pinpoint companies that outperform or trail the market.
Netflix password sharing Metallica Napster meme Netflix’s Password Pain, Lulu’s Victory Lap, P&G’s Productivity Pitch April 20, 2022 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Little Red Streaming Service Great Ones, I guess I should’ve known by the way CEO Reed Hastings parked his car sideways that it wouldn’t last. See, Netflix (Nasdaq: ) is the kinda company that believed in sharing passwords. Now, it’s love ‘em and leave ‘em fast. I guess I must be dumb. I had a […]

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