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Welcome to Wall Street, where the corporate earnings reactions are made up … and the coronavirus doesn’t matter. Virus Shakeouts and Earnings Breakouts; Boeing Defies Gravity See No Virus, Hear No Virus, Speak No Virus Welcome to 2020, where the earnings reactions are made up … and the coronavirus doesn’t matter. That’s right, folks. The Wuhan coronavirus just passed 6,000 confirmed cases in mainland China — making it bigger and faster than SARS — and no one on Wall Street cares. […]
Health Care ETF will be biggest money maker in 2020 Ignore the Analysts … Look Here for 2020’s Big Winner [3-minute read] Not all sectors are overvalued. This one is poised for a great year.
Oil price will rally Scared Money Is Selling Oil — How to Profit in February Fear around the spread of the coronavirus is pushing oil prices lower. But there are signs that oil will rebound. John Ross shares how to grab double-digit gains on oil’s rally by March.
Wall Street realizes that it might have … maybe … perhaps … possibly overreacted to the coronavirus outbreak. Kung Flu Crazy; Borg Assimilates Delphi; Apple Cooks up Earnings
by Joseph Hargett January 28, 2020 Great Stuff
Kung Flu Crazy Another day, another virus story. Are you sick and tired of the “kung flu” yet? (Editor’s Note: If you’re sick and tired with the kung flu, please seek medical attention immediately.) After getting the sweats yesterday, the market appears to feel much better today. Much like you when you’re out of sick […]
You shouldn’t let the headlines about the coronavirus scare you. If you’re worried about buying into this correction, let’s put a few things in perspective… Why Monday’s 400-Point Drop Shouldn’t Scare You You shouldn’t let the headlines about the coronavirus scare you. If you’re worried about buying into this correction, let’s put a few things in perspective…

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