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How I Learned the Most Important Skill in Trading October 26, 2022 by Bryan Klindworth Investing, King's Corner, Trading Strategies Usually we get into trading specifics, such as using options Greeks, setting up a hedge, understanding leverage, etc… But today, I'm going to discuss the way I learned the most important skill in my trading arsenal…
How to Catch the Next 30% Rally October 24, 2022 by Amber Hestla Investing, Trading Strategies, True Options Masters Psychology is the force behind the price action we see. And it helps explain why market tops are so slow to form — and why bottoms hit quickly...
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Are we in a recession? Are We in a Recession? How to Invest Your Money October 21, 2022 by Ian King Economy, Investing, Recession, Winning Investor Daily Are we in a recession? Ian shares the market data, plus 9 decades of bear market history that reveals the best investment during a recession.
Six Straight Weeks of Winners October 21, 2022 by Andrew Keene Investing, King's Corner, Trading Strategies, Unusual Options Activity The market has been as choppy as ever this week. Just looking at a weekly chart of the S&P 500 or NASDAQ is like looking at a silhouette of the Andes or Himalayas...

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