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Reality Check: Optimism Is Sky-High Right Now April 3, 2018 Economy The extreme rally to start the year is completely gone. But when emotions run high, it’s always the best time for a reality check.
Amazon Needs to Worry About This, Not Taxes April 3, 2018 Economy, Government & Politics, U.S. Economy Lost in the kerfuffle of Monday’s Amazon tweet by President Donald Trump was a much bigger nugget of news about the company…
The U.S. Ranked 35th in This Freedom Test March 31, 2018 Offshore Living Now, I love my country, but I think it’s smart to understand your travel options … to know just how much freedom you have.
The World Runs on American Software March 30, 2018 Investment Opportunities, Technology From work productivity to entertainment, from graphic design to database management, the world runs on American software.
A Cheap Way to Offset Rising Gas Prices March 28, 2018 Investment Opportunities, Oil, Trading Strategies Most of us have to buy gas, so there’s nothing we can do about the higher gas prices. But there is a way to offset them.