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Beware the Fool’s Gold Rush June 28, 2016 Gold Counterfeiting has been around for centuries. It's big business. But with the recent discovery of fake gold bars bearing a highly respected mark, where you buy has become more important than what you buy.
Could The Subprime Meltdown Happen Again & What Would it Look Like? June 21, 2016 U.S. Economy After an eight-year hiatus, subprime mortgages are back. Now called non-prime to hide their ugly past, these loans are fueling a brand new housing bubble. What could go wrong?
The Danger of the Fed’s Tall Tales June 8, 2016 Gold Don’t believe anything saying a rate hike is on the table in July. It’s not. The U.S. won’t see meaningfully higher rates for many years. The sooner you accept this, the sooner you can avoid financial ruin.
GE’s Disruptive Tech Boom … No, Really! June 3, 2016 Trading Strategies An old industrial giant, General Electric is about the last company you would expect to have disruptive potential. But GE’s leadership in the Internet of Things market is set to change all that.
Market Declines & Options on The S&P 500 Explained May 13, 2016 Stocks For the first time since 2008, we are facing four straight quarters of negative earnings growth. Stocks are now poised for a plunge, but there is one sector that could offer you protection.