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Don’t Fear the Euro Don’t Fear the Euro
by Jeff Opdyke February 15, 2017 Global Economy
The euro has been called an unmitigated disaster ... a currency without a country. But you’re not getting the full story, and it’s that story that means the euro is safe, for a while at least.
Market analysts often misinterpret the data they’re reading. That’s what seems to be happening in small-cap stocks, or stocks of smaller companies, Caution: Potential Melt-Up Ahead
by Michael Carr February 14, 2017 Stocks
Market analysts often misinterpret the data they’re reading. That’s what seems to be happening in small-cap stocks, or stocks of smaller companies.
Having the right product might be good. But having the right timing for that product in the marketplace? That’s even better. The Next Big Thing Having the right product might be good. But having the right timing for that product in the marketplace? That’s even better.
The Pitfalls of Corporate Tax Reform
by Ted Bauman February 6, 2017 Taxes
A few weeks back, my father, Banyan Hill’s own Bob Bauman, took me to task for something I’d written in Sovereign Investor Daily (not for the first time, either). I’d said, in regard to the American tendency toward harsh judicial punishment, that “we like it that way.” “Who’s this ‘we,’ Lone Ranger? Count me out, […]
Supposedly, if interest rates are high, bonds are attractive and stocks suffer. But like so much conventional wisdom, this doesn’t hold up under scrutiny. Surprise: Rising Interest Rates Are Bullish
by Michael Carr January 30, 2017 Trading Strategies
Supposedly, if interest rates are high, bonds are attractive and stocks suffer. But like so much conventional wisdom, this doesn’t hold up under scrutiny.

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