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Don’t Fall for Market ‘Spoofers’ We haven’t seen a techno-crash of this magnitude since 2010 … but that doesn’t mean artificial price movements don’t happen anymore.
Singapore — now growing faster than first-place Switzerland — will become the largest offshore financial center in the world by 2028. The Switzerland of Asia
by Bob Bauman May 18, 2017 Offshore Accounts
Singapore — now growing faster than first-place Switzerland — will become the largest offshore financial center in the world by 2028.
Paul   has been at the tech investing game since the 1990s. He knows what great tech franchises — the kinds of stocks that go up 1,000% — look like. Warren, Please Call Paul Paul has been at the tech investing game since the 1990s. He knows what great tech franchises — the kinds of stocks that go up 1,000% — look like.
Landlines are a dying breed. And the main cause of this mass technology extinction is the increasingly mobile millennial generation. Wireless Has Finally Won Landlines are a dying breed. And the main cause of this mass technology extinction is the increasingly mobile millennial generation.
We’re facing another “Apple moment” with a company that has made some stunning technological innovations while still making them sleek, easy to use and cool. A New ‘Apple Moment’ We’re facing another “Apple moment” with a company that has made some stunning technological innovations while still making them sleek, easy to use and cool.

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"I couldn’t believe it … in just 2 months, I made $298,506 on one stock – that’s a 24% gain!"

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"You have done once again!! You are reminding me of the GREAT Joe DiMaggio with your consistent hitting!! You knocked this one out of the park!"

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“Looks like I have finally found the right person to learn and grow from.”

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