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U.S. citizenship Americans Are Racing for the Exits
by Bob Bauman February 16, 2017 Government & Politics
Superman was ahead of his time when he renounced his U.S. citizenship following a dispute with the government. Now, more Americans than ever before are following his example.
European Union The EU Meltdown
by Jeff Opdyke December 7, 2016 Gold
The European Union is headed for meltdown with the failure of the Italian referendum vote. Many votes are still ahead and this spells trouble for U.S.
The Answer to Rising Inflation The Answer to Rising Inflation
by Jeff Yastine November 22, 2016 Bonds, U.S. Economy
Remember in the 1980s when interest rates were at an ungodly 20%? Thirty-seven years from today, we may look back on 2016 in the same way … as the year inflation truly bottomed.
Hunting for the Next Apple Hunting for the Next Apple
by Jeff Yastine October 11, 2016 Trading Strategies
As much as you might like to fantasize about buying into the “next Apple” on your own, the truth is that you usually convince yourself to do otherwise ... which is why you need an expert on your side.

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