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With fall in the air, hedge funds have winter on their minds. Low natural gas stores are shaping up to be one of their biggest holiday bets. Winter Is Coming, and We’re Low on Natural Gas
by Anthony Planas October 30, 2018 Commodities
With fall in the air, hedge funds have winter on their minds. Low natural gas stores are shaping up to be one of their biggest holiday bets.
The stock prices of the group reflected hopes for the new markets. And a bubble developed. But the bubble reached irrational peaks. All bubbles do. The FAANG Stock Market Bubble Just Popped
by Michael Carr October 29, 2018 Stocks
The stock prices of the group reflected hopes for the new markets. And a bubble developed. But the bubble reached irrational peaks. All bubbles do.
How did this happen, especially after the bank locked her accounts? The answer is surprisingly simple. It lies with social media firm Facebook. October’s Facebook Hack Destroyed Her Life Savings — Here’s How
by Joseph Hargett October 26, 2018 Privacy Invasion
How did this happen, especially after the bank locked her accounts? The answer is surprisingly simple. It lies with social media firm Facebook.
“Gold bugs” came into 2018 hopeful that this would be a comeback year. What followed was a year of defeat. Gold fell nearly 6%. Is Gold Still A Good Investment?
by Anthony Planas October 26, 2018 Gold
“Gold bugs” came into 2018 hopeful that this would be a comeback year. What followed was a year of defeat. Gold fell nearly 6%.
USDT Cass Freight Index Depicts Longer Bull Market
by Anthony Planas October 23, 2018 U.S. Economy
Despite various headwinds, carriers placed a record number of orders for new trucks this quarter. September saw orders for semitrucks jump 92%.

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