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‘Peak U.S.’ — U.S. Domination Is Over and Investors Are Watching This India ETF February 27, 2019 by John Ross American Investor Today, Investment Opportunities It appears the U.S. is due for a mild recession sometime in the next 6 to 18 months. Recession or not, the U.S. is going to lose some of its economic growth and interest-rate advantages. To profit, consider where investors might see the biggest winnings in the years ahead.
The “internet ecosystem” — cheap, powerful devices, faster internet connections, communities of web entrepreneurs — is just getting started in Latin America. The Internet’s About to Explode in Latin America February 26, 2019 by Jeff Yastine Best of Series, Global Economy, Investment Opportunities, Winning Investor Daily The “internet ecosystem” — cheap, powerful devices, faster internet connections, communities of web entrepreneurs — is just getting started in Latin America.
In October, I explained that the U.S. had no plan whatsoever to stop China and Russia from using AI to threaten our military advantage. That all changed last week. Trump’s AI Initiative Is a Game Changer February 23, 2019 by Jay Goldberg Best of Series, Technology, Trending, Winning Investor Daily In October, I explained that the U.S. had no plan whatsoever to stop China and Russia from using artificial intelligence (AI) to threaten our military advantage. That all changed last week.
Investors Should Follow Superstar CEO Ed Breen Into DowDuPont February 21, 2019 by Charles Mizrahi American Investor Today, Investment Opportunities A great CEO who knows how to allocate capital properly is a shareholder’s dream. And Charles Mizrahi has found one worth betting on today.
National Inflation Rates Spell Recipe for Recession February 13, 2019 by John Ross American Investor Today, Investment Opportunities Inflation has been subdued for most of the last decade, but it’s easy to picture a scenario where inflation rises suddenly and becomes a precursor to recession. Back in 2008, the profit opportunity was good. If 2019 unfolds like 2008, this ETF holds great potential for your portfolio.

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