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Elon Musk is the New Henry Ford ... In the Bad Way Elon Musk is the New Henry Ford … In the Bad Way Elon Musk shares a lot of similarities with his turn-of-the-century counterpart Henry Ford... including the latter's downfall.
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Google love smell burning ad revenue meme Google’s Ad Armageddon, Mobileye’s Eye-PO, Boeing Plays Defense
by Joseph Hargett October 26, 2022 Great Stuff
Google Some Shelter Great Ones, a storm is threatening … Alphabet’s (Nasdaq: ) very life today. If they don’t get some shelter. Yeah, they’re gonna fade away. War, children? Are we really just a shot away? When it comes to the online ad business? Yeah, I think so. But don’t take my word for it. […]
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Motör City Madness Sunrise — wrong side of another day. Wall Street’s sky-high, 6,000 miles away. Don’t know how long I’ve been awake. The market’s wound up in an amazin’ state. Hold on, I know this one… Motörhead? Motörhead! Remember me now — Motörhead! Alright… Every motorhead in the market must’ve been rubbernecking this morning, […]
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