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Latest Insights on SWI

With the U.S. stock market at all-time highs — and at stretched value levels not seen since 1929 and 1999 — there’s never been a more important time to diversify your profits from stocks outside America’s borders. European stocks, for instance. Buy Europe’s Unloved Banks While They’re Cheap
by Jeff Yastine January 23, 2018 Stocks
Europe’s economy is on a tear. We’ve certainly seen it in our Total Wealth Insider portfolio, where one of our European banking stocks is up nearly 40%.
The CAPE ratio is one of the ways to measure what stocks are worth. An analysis of it reveals why the stock market isn't currently overvalued. This Chart Shows Why the Stock Market Isn’t Overvalued
by Michael Carr January 4, 2018 U.S. Economy
Many analysts claim fundamental ratios show that stocks are overpriced. But these ratios don’t tell us very much by themselves. They need context.
I'm going to stick my neck out and make a few calls for Wall Street 2018 based on evidence, logic … and history. And we have all year to see how I do… These Will Be the Big Stories of 2018
by Ted Bauman January 1, 2018 Investing
I’m no Nostradamus, but I'm going to stick my neck out and make a few calls for 2018 based on evidence, logic … and history. Here goes...
As energized as this bull market is, it can’t hold a candle to the types of returns you could have seen with a consistent trading strategy like these. Crush One of the Strongest Bull Markets in History
by Jessica Cohn December 16, 2017 Stocks
There are a few ways you could have beaten the bull market this year…
Corporate tax cuts would give retail companies the wherewithal to make competitive investments in innovation. Let’s look at the math to prove it. Play This Miracle on Main Street
by Ted Bauman December 11, 2017 Stocks
The new tax plan promises to breathe fresh life into a sector that most investors have already written off as dead.

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"I couldn’t believe it … in just 2 months, I made $298,506 on one stock – that’s a 24% gain!"

- John B.

“I'm very Happy with your services. I hope you don't plan to retire any time soon! My retirement portfolio depends on your expert guidance. Keep up the great work! Thanks.”

- Randy

“At the end of August [2018], my 401K was $659,000. Now, on September 4th [2018], it’s $715,000. My account is up $56,000 in the last 5 days!”

- Warren O

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