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US Bureau Labor Stats There Are More Jobs Than Workers in 12 of 14 Industries
by Michael Carr October 1, 2018 U.S. Economy
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that there are currently more job positions open than there are workers in 12 out of 14 industries. Michael Carr shares more info.
Rising Oil Barrel Prices Rising Oil Prices Are Creating New Opportunities
by Joseph Hargett September 28, 2018 Global Economy
Oil is going to $100. Bank on it. I know I’ve harped on alternative energy as the way of the future numerous times in the past. That’s still true. Alternative fuel cars are still going to dominate the roadways, even electric cars — Elon Musk’s run in with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission won’t […]
A bipartisan health bill seeks to greatly deter the $60 billion abuse and fraud within the Medicare program with the use of smart card technology. Medicare’s New Smart Card Technology
by Amber Lancaster September 26, 2018 Technology
A bipartisan health bill seeks to greatly deter the $60 billion abuse and fraud within the Medicare program with the use of smart card technology.
In military strategy, generals prefer to concentrate their forces. But the opposite is true in investing. There, diversification is key. The Most Overlooked Form of Diversification
by Ted Bauman September 25, 2018 Investment Opportunities
In military strategy, generals prefer to concentrate their forces. But the opposite is true in investing. There, diversification is key.
5G: The Biggest Threat to Broadband Providers
by Jeff Yastine September 4, 2018 Technology, Trending
5G is a magnitude faster and more powerful than even the fastest wired-broadband speeds today. And plus, no more waiting for the cable guy to show up.

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"You told me to ignore the noise on Wall Street. And thanks to you, I started towards the end of 2016 with $200,000 in my account and I recently put in an extra $100,000. [As of February 2019] My account is worth $500,788! I would’ve missed out if I followed conventional wisdom."

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“I started with $215,000 in Nov. 2018, It is now over 800,000. So very happy with Banyan Hill Publishing.”

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