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The Brexit Lesson Diversify or Face Dire Consequences The Brexit Lesson: Diversify or Face Dire Consequences Ted Bauman visited London this weekend, and, over pints of dodgy English ale, he uncovered answers to a key post-Brexit investing strategy.
The New Labor Wars
by Jeff Yastine November 29, 2016 U.S. Economy
Labor strikes were relatively common 30 or so years ago. They’ve become increasingly uncommon since. But we may be on the verge of a reversal in that trend.
Big Brother Trump Is Watching Big Brother Trump Is Watching
by Ted Bauman November 21, 2016 Privacy Invasion
Set aside your feelings for Trump’s broader agenda. Focus on his intentions for privacy and free speech. He has never expressed interest in protecting civil liberties. In fact, it's quite the opposite...
The Stock Market Crushing Elephant
by Chad Shoop November 11, 2016 U.S. Economy
America will soon be under complete Republican control — House, Senate, president. Looking back at prior periods of single-party control reveals a rather shocking stock market discovery…
Escape the Election Fallout Escape the Election Fallout
by Ted Bauman November 7, 2016 Offshore Living
Neither Trump nor Clinton are ideal choices in tomorrow’s election. It could be worse … and it probably will be. But there are other choices available, if you’re willing to free your mind.

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