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Testing Our AI Future: There’s Still Time to Buy (4-minute read) AI will change the world one day. Today, AI can predict outbreaks and aid in imaging. But it still has trouble with the real world. We’re getting in on the ground floor…
Earnings season 1Q2021 Jim Mora meme small Double Servings of Earnings: A Full Plate With the FAM
by Joseph Hargett January 25, 2021 Great Stuff
The “Oops, All Earnings!” Edition So, you really want to talk about earnings, huh? Why yes … yes I do. In fact, I dedicated today’s entire edition of Great Stuff to our favorite quarterly Wall Street soap opera — no, not EV Days or Antitrust Issues. Those are slated for later this week… Welcome to […]
Bitcoin: More Profits or Doomed to Crash? [16-minute video] Ted and Clint debate the cryptocurrency’s rollercoaster ride.
Ted’s Picks: 3 Stocks to Buy Now [14-minute video] Big profits for this year and beyond.
Bernie inauguration reader feedback meme Great Stuff Picks: Plug, Roku and CrowdStrike up Over 300%!
by Joseph Hargett January 21, 2021 Great Stuff
Get Down With Portfolio Town Hey Great Ones, are you ready for me? Yeah, it’s your good trading buddy down in Kentucky. I’m just out of Cincy, and I’m bound for home with the radio blasting and the bird dog on. (Feeling a little Steve Earle today. Getting my outlaw country on.) Anyway … it’s […]

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