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President Trump Names Jerome Powell as Next Fed Chairman November 6, 2017 Government & Politics Almost all Fed chairs have been economists. But the chair named by President Donald Trump isn’t an economist — and that could be disastrous for our economy.
Tax Reform Won’t Boost Real Earnings November 6, 2017 U.S. Economy Proposed corporate tax reform sounds good for earnings on paper. But, as this chart shows, corporations aren’t paying the top rate.
Why I Sued an Elephant November 4, 2017 Wealth Protection 15 million lawsuits were filed in America last year. I urge you to protect yourself, and the first step is researching how you can lawyer-proof your life.
Don’t Let Unnecessary Fees Devour Your Nest Egg November 3, 2017 Retirement While 2% here and 3% there might not sound so bad, it can make the difference between your retirement nest egg running out in 20 years or 30 years…
Tesla Can’t Make Electric Cars Without Copper November 3, 2017 Precious Metals If the electric car market explodes, as most analysts believe, copper demand will as well. Tesla can’t make electric cars without copper…