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What the Year of the Dog holds for us depends in large part on what each of us chooses. We will do our best to help you choose personal freedom. Former Congressman’s Thoughts on the Year Ahead
by Bob Bauman December 19, 2017 Government & Politics
Many investors and bankers act as though there is no day of reckoning, while American politicians cut taxes when the national debt nears $21 trillion.
Some trading myths have no real basis. Learning the truth about the legendary January Effect Myth will put you ahead of the curve in 2018. Don’t Fall for the January Effect Myth Some trading myths have no real basis. Learning the truth about the legendary January Effect Myth will put you ahead of the curve in 2018.
China’s World Reserve Currency in a World of Its Own
by Optin December 1, 2017 Natural Resource Investor
Perhaps you caught it? About five weeks ago, in The Edelson Wave, I wrote Keeping the Faith in the US Dollar. I made the case the Chinese yuan has a difficult road ahead – STILL – if it is to unseat the U.S. dollar as the world’s primary reserve currency. I did, however, make a minor concession: […]
My tools tell me 2018 could be a challenging stock market environment. Here's exactly how to invest your money in 2018 according to my analysis. How to Invest Your Money in 2018
by Michael Carr November 29, 2017 Investing, Stocks
My tools tell me 2018 could be a challenging stock market environment. Here's exactly how to invest your money in 2018 according to my analysis.
Retail: The Perfect Buy for Christmas
by Jeff Yastine November 14, 2017 Stocks
While the financial media has the world convinced that retail is officially dead, big money has found a new use for the retail sector.

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