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Navigating War Weekend News & Market Volatility Navigating War Weekend News & Market Volatility The global news may impact the market, but Mike Carr has a new system that will help you avoid market volatility after weekend wars.
The next amazon: small company with big market edge. The Next Amazon? This Small Company Has What It Takes Since 1997, shares of Amazon could’ve brought over 1,300X returns. This small company could be the next Amazon, with even better profits.
Why You Should Prepare for a Recession Why You Should Prepare for a Recession We're still paying the price of policies made during COVID. We're actually in a post-war economy, and a recession is coming.
Does This Line Signal a 16-Year Bear Market? Worst case scenario, we’re looking at a decade-plus of lower stock prices. That’s the bad news. And I’ll show exactly how we get to that conclusion in today’s issue...
OPEC buy more oil no don't think I will meme OPEC’s Death By Papercuts, FedEx One-Ups UPS & Apple Being Apple
by Joseph Hargett September 6, 2022 Great Stuff
OPEC’s Roughnecks Great Ones, OPEC was born to be a roughneck. But as we’re all finding out this year, pullin’ case and layin’ pipe is hard labor. And oil prices, while volatile, will never amount to nothin’. Har har, Mr. Great Stuff. Pulling out Johnny Cash to rag on oil? You’re getting desperate. I mean, […]

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