Splashy tech companies are getting all the attention during the pandemic. But there’s another way to play the current e-commerce boom that is far less speculative.

In fact, it’s practically a sure thing. What’s more, this overlooked sector is also poised to continue handing out big profits when the economy reopens.

In today’s edition of Your Money Matters, financial experts Ted Bauman and Clint Lee will show you one ETF to tap into this low-risk, high reward opportunity.

The Best Play for 2021

Check out this week’s video to find out why this is the perfect investment for 2021. You’ll also discover:

  • How demand in this sector shocked analysts to surge near all-time highs … and which ETF can help you profit from it. (4:30-9:00)
  • One stock play in this sector can potentially double your money in two years, plus hand you a healthy dividend. (9:00-9:52)
  • Two recent Bauman Daily recommendations just jumped 10% in a little over a week. Hear why you can still make big gains from these plays. (0:24-4:30)
  • And more.

To watch the video, click here or click on the image below:

As a side note: We don’t provide transcripts for our YouTube videos. However, if you want to see subtitles, simply click the “cc” button in the bottom-right corner of the video. The transcription won’t be perfect, but it should help.

And if you like what you see here, and if you’re not already a member, please consider subscribing to The Bauman Letter. The model portfolio is up strongly this year!

Of course, you can also subscribe to Ted’s YouTube channel. Just click “Subscribe” on the top-right corner of the landing page. And follow Ted on Twitter here.

Good investing,

Angela Jirau Signature

Angela Jirau

Publisher, The Bauman Letter