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Great Stuff is sailing away, setting an open course for what happens if Congress fails at another recovery bill. Powell Power; Feel the LUV; Fisker Finally? October 6, 2020 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Come Sail Away with Great Stuff I’m sailing away. Set an open course for the Federal Reserve. Cause markets don’t want to be free … free to face a life with no liquidity. Fed Chairman Jerome Powell’s the captain, so climb aboard. We’ll search for stock market gains on every shore. And we’ll try the […]
Hydrogen, taxes … and Dodd-Frank? What? Hey, it’s Reader Feedback day at Great Stuff; you never know what you’re going to get. Hydrogen: 3 Stocks for an $11 Trillion Market October 1, 2020 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Hydrogen: It’s a Gas, Gas, Gas! Welcome to Reader Feedback day! As usual, today is all about you, dear reader! Your questions. Your concerns. Your interestingly worded rants and lyrical requests … the works. So sit back, relax and enjoy the show. Oh, and if you haven’t written in yet, now’s your chance! Drop the […]
Welcome down the rabbit hole. Wall Street’s Mad World; Uber’s Anarchy in the U.K. September 28, 2020 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff We’re All Mad Here Why is a raven like a writing desk? Why is a what? Don’t start … it’s Monday, Mr. Great Stuff. If you can answer that question, you understand why the market rebounded sharply today. (Hint: Lewis Carroll intended this quote from the Mad Hatter to be little more than an insane […]
Cyberattacks are common nowadays. But it’s rare for them to be fatal, like in this case. A Cyberattack May Have Killed This Woman September 19, 2020 by Jay Goldberg Technology, Winning Investor Daily Cyberattacks are common nowadays. But this could be the first fatal case.
Retail sales data show that Wall Street’s rally might just be flirting with disaster. The Fed can't do a thing — it’s all up to Congress. Retail Rout; Kodak Doubts; Snowflake Turns Informer September 16, 2020 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Flirtin’ with Disaster Wall Street’s travelin’ down the road and flirtin’ with disaster. Fed’s pedal to the floor, our stocks are running faster. Main Street’s out of money, out of hope. It looks like self-destruction. How much more can we take with all of this consumption? We’re flirtin’ with disaster. Y’all know what I mean… […]

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