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Russia Will Roar in 2017 January 4, 2017 Investment Opportunities American mood toward Russia has morphed — or, at least, the Republican view has morphed. And that’s where we have an opportunity as investors. Welcome to the Year of Russia.
The Feds Are Inside Your Home January 3, 2017 Privacy Invasion Alexa and similar Internet of Things (IoT) technologies have become part of the current zeitgeist. They can remember everything input into them ... and the Feds are salivating for this data.
The EU Meltdown December 7, 2016 Gold The European Union is headed for meltdown with the failure of the Italian referendum vote. Many votes are still ahead and this spells trouble for U.S.
The Brexit Lesson: Diversify or Face Dire Consequences December 5, 2016 Investment Opportunities Ted Bauman visited London this weekend, and, over pints of dodgy English ale, he uncovered answers to a key post-Brexit investing strategy.
Resurrecting the American Dream November 26, 2016 U.S. Economy If you consider home ownership a core of the American dream, then October may have resurrected those fading hopes. And it could get even better once a certain generation gets involved.