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2 Stocks to Buy as States Shut Down — Again December 28, 2020 by Charles Mizrahi American Investor Today, Investing, U.S. Economy (6-minute video) As states reopen for business, they’re seeing surges in COVID-19 cases. The virus strikes again — but don’t base your investments on the case numbers. Instead, buy into trends that are set to skyrocket. These two stocks have fantastic long-term potential.
According to “two people familiar with the effort,” Apple’s iCar — an electric vehicle (EV), no less — could hit production in 2024. Apple’s Auto Magic; QuantumScape Goat; Peloton: Fitness Bike Under the Tree December 22, 2020 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Apple’s iCar-ly Moment Rumors flew today that a “real” Tesla competitor is on the way. No, we’re not talking about your father’s old Cadillac Fleetwood, Mac. We’re talking Apple (Nasdaq: ) and what the market already dubbed “the iCar.” Yes, I know that Wall Street talk of an Apple car is secondhand news at this […]
Did You Enjoy Our 92% Win Rate in 2020? December 22, 2020 by Ted Bauman Big Picture. Big Profits., Investing, Stocks [4-minute read] And how we plan to continue the trend in 2021.
Tesla officially joins the S&P 500 Index on Monday. This is your final warning that things are about to get a bit dicey. Tesla’s Moonshot; FedEx Fed Up; All Your Coinbase… December 18, 2020 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Friday Four Play: The ‘Final Countdown’ Edition On Monday, December 21, Tesla (Nasdaq: ) will officially join the S&P 500 Index. If you read my December 1 report on this shindig, you know what today is. Sing it with me: It’s the final countdoooown! If you didn’t read that report, go click that link now. […]
Welcome to the New Post-Pandemic Economy December 17, 2020 by Annie Stevenson 2020 Financial Crisis, American Investor Today, Technology (4-minute read) Cash may finally be dead. Cash-heavy industries are closed or limited, and digital purchasing is on the rise. Who will be the loser here?

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