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Financial media tech little howling wolf meme Mobileye IPO Gets 68% Haircut, Meta GIFs Up, Hasbro Doesn’t Even Lift
by Joseph Hargett October 18, 2022 Great Stuff, Technology
I Spy With My Mobileye… Great Ones, it’s a good thing that Intel (Nasdaq: ) has President Biden’s CHIPS and Science Act to fall back on … ‘cause that Mobileye savings account isn’t looking quite so hot right at the moment. I’m warning you! Don’t get political! Never, Great Ones … especially with the midterms […]
Great Stuff Rings of Power Netflix options meme 2 Netflix Earnings Options, 1 New Electric Jeep & A Canoo In A Kingbee Trading Netflix Ahead Of Earnings? You Have Options Great Ones, it feels like forever since I last wrote about options trading. So today, we’re going to talk about … you guessed it … options trading. And today’s target is Netflix earnings. Oh, doesn’t it report earnings tomorrow? Why, yes! Yes, it does. Netflix (Nasdaq: ), […]
Sail Into the Storm There’s no way around it… We’re in a recession. Even if the so called “leaders” of our economy want to dance around it, the fact remains true...
Cauterize the Wounds of a Bleeding Portfolio When you think of a “finance guru”, you probably think of some snobby rich guy in a velvet suit driving an Italian sports car to his private jet… He skips up the airstair, then turns to the camera and says, “I’m just like you.” Right…
Setting Up A Simple Hedge Setting up a hedge is something every trader should know. Many folks think it’s complicated because of its hedge fund pedigree, but it doesn’t have to be...

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