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five indicators to follow when investing The 5 Key Indicators That Say “Buy” or “Stay Away” January 18, 2022 by Ted Bauman Big Picture. Big Profits., Investing Investors have rediscovered stock market “fundamentals.” At least that’s how it seems from my email inbox. I got many positive responses to last week’s article, in which I applied fundamental metrics to the Ark Innovation ETF (NYSE: ARKK). I elaborated on this in Friday’s YouTube video. “Fundamentals” measure a company’s performance, as opposed to its […]
Goldman Sachs warns rising labor costs getting paid meme The Goldman Cometh, Amazon Versus Visa & Moderna’s Multi-Pass January 18, 2022 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Workers Get Paid, Wall Street’s Afraid I just got paid today, got me a pocket full of change. Said: “Goldman, Goldman, do you got some wool?” Yes, I do, man … and now our profits ain’t full. There’s a sea change coming, Great Ones, and Goldman Sachs (NYSE: ) just let the cat outta the […]
Wall Street Options traders have lost their edge Wall Street’s Option Edge Is Gone — Here’s Why January 18, 2022 by Ian King Trading Strategies, Winning Investor Daily There are several tools that retail options traders now have at their fingertips.
Warren Buffett: Trader in Disguise Warren Buffett: Trader in Disguise January 18, 2022 by Michael Carr Investing, Trading Strategies, True Options Masters Traders don't hold stocks forever — and neither does Warren Buffett, contrary to what many of his followers believe...
how to trade options Avoid These 3 Options Trading Mistakes January 14, 2022 by Ian King Trading Strategies, Winning Investor Daily In today’s video, I explain how you can trade options like the pros on Wall Street.

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