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Computers manage trillions of dollars in global stock markets. But the Alpha Stock Alert algorithm incorporates three things that the big boys don’t. How My Algorithm Beat the Market 10 Times Over October 23, 2017 by Ted Bauman Trading Strategies Computers manage trillions of dollars in global stock markets. But the Alpha Stock Alert algorithm incorporates three things that the big boys don’t.
Too many investors are simply chasing gains during earnings season instead of implementing sound, proven strategies to steadily build up their portfolio. Don’t Make This Huge Mistake During Earnings Season October 23, 2017 by Chad Shoop Trading Strategies Too many investors are simply chasing gains during earnings season instead of implementing sound, proven strategies to steadily build up their portfolio.
Japan’s Doomsday of Demographics and Debt October 23, 2017 by Martin Weiss Uncategorized I first lived in Japan back in 1979. The economy was five times larger than China’s. Its population was young and vibrant. Its government debt was less than 50% of GDP. Now, when I go to Japan, I see an entirely different country. Its economy is less than one-half the size of China’s. Its population […]
Zinc has delivered solid gains — such as 50% and 60% — in just the last five months. But no one is talking about this essential m. Zinc: A Bull Market That’s Just Starting October 21, 2017 by Jessica Cohn Precious Metals Zinc has delivered solid gains — such as 50% and 60% — in just the last five months. But no one is talking about this essential metal.
If your entire portfolio is invested in stocks, you won't be able to grow your wealth when the market takes a turn for the worse. Grow Your Wealth in Times of Market Weakness October 20, 2017 by Jocelynn Smith Wealth Protection If your entire portfolio is invested in stocks, you won't be able to grow your wealth when the market takes a turn for the worse.

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