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Every day we get one more vaccine report. Wall Street takes it on faith. It takes it to the heart. Waiting for market normalcy is the hardest part. More Vaccine Dreams; Apple and Tesla Hit Splitsville
by Joseph Hargett August 24, 2020 Great Stuff
The Hardest Part Oh, don’t it feel like bullish right now? Don’t it feel like something from a dream? Well, we’ve never known a market quite like this, and it feels like these gains might never come again. But Great Stuff readers know better than to try and pretend. No one could’a ever told you […]
This Week: It’s Earnings Season, What Are You Doing About It? (4-minute read) Hollywood awards season embraces a new normal while Wall Street pushes forward with earnings season. Our editors give us their best analysis of the season. Plus, what’s coming next?
In the market’s sea of frothing bullishness, someone almost had an epiphany … and then stumbled over a pile of Fed cash and forgot it. 30 Million Unemployed; Tesla Cries Freedom; Microsoft Goes Hard
by Joseph Hargett April 30, 2020 Great Stuff
On the Turning Away… …from the pale and downtrodden … and the words that they say which we don’t understand. Wall Street almost — almost — became aware of the U.S. economy this morning. Continuing the epic U.S. employment saga, the Labor Department put another brick in the unemployment wall this morning. Some 3.8 million […]
The White House and the Senate agreed to a $2 trillion stimulus package, but the COVID-19 fallout is far from over. Senate Knows Best?; Sucker Bets on Jumbo Jets
by Joseph Hargett March 25, 2020 Great Stuff
Mo’ Money, Fewer Problems? They did it. They finally did it. By “they,” I mean Congress … and by “it,” I mean a stimulus package deal to combat the coronavirus. The Senate and the White House announced late last night that they reached an agreement on a historic $2 trillion spending bill. (That’s trillion with […]
Cannabis Sell-Off Opportunity: Watch for This Signal to Buy Markets are selling off but people are eager to buy great companies at great prices. This week Chad Shoop visits a potential buy in the cannabis sector: Canopy Growth Corp. Check out his latest Bank It or Tank It to learn about his key price target to buy.

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