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Live and let stream Amazon Bezos Bond MGM meme small Amazon Never Dies, Tesla Royal & License To Build
by Joseph Hargett May 18, 2021 Great Stuff
The Name’s Bezos, Jeff Bezos Great Ones, are you ready for like 18 more James Bond movies? Or possibly a James Bond series? If Daniel Craig reprises the role, I can’t say I’m too adverse to the idea. According to reports, Amazon (Nasdaq: ) is in talks to buy MGM Studios for as much as […]
Louis Vuitton and Walmart Explain This Bull Market (2-minute read) Sentiment is more important than fundamentals in the short term.
Jack Sparrow pulling feedback chips shortage meme small Chips Ahoy, Depot Of Debt & Dividend Digest
by Joseph Hargett March 4, 2021 Great Stuff
Chips Ahoy! Ahoy, me hearties! Today, we be sailin’ the stormy seas of Reader Feedback. If ye be savvy enough to man the sails, ye too can join me crew o’ miscreants and scurvy dogs. That’s right ye too can join the fun o’ Great Stuff Reader Feedback. We answer all kinds o’ market, stock […]
Roku is one stream to rule them all Nielsen meme small Mr. Roku Rising; Zoom & Gloom; Stay On Target
by Joseph Hargett March 2, 2021 Great Stuff
The Nielsen Effect For decades, Nielsen (NYSE: ) ratings were the gold standard in traditional TV viewership and ratings. While TV is no longer traditional, Nielsen still knows its target audience and what ads best suit that audience. And Roku (Nasdaq: ), the king of the streaming TV market, just made a very important deal […]
Awesome interest rates mix vol. 1 meme small Forget FOMO, Plug’s Full Power and DraftKing’s Gambit
by Joseph Hargett March 1, 2021 Great Stuff
Forget FOMO, Don’t Get FOGK’d Dedicate one to the interest rate hawks… Now interest rates are here, babe, need somethin’ to keep you cool. Ah now, interest rates are here, babe, need somethin’ to keep you cool. Better look out now ‘cause Joe’s got something for you. I’ll tell you what it is… I’m your […]

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