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Frozen EVs charging in Texas meme small Grid and Bear It, Apple Dumped and Bitcoin’s Bender February 16, 2021 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Freedom Fuel I don’t know about y’all, but I’m freezing my patootie off in the Bluegrass State today. We’re not used to seeing eight-plus inches of snow. It just doesn’t happen here all that often anymore. But, as bad as I have it here in Kentucky, it’s nowhere near what Texas is dealing with right […]
Taking action to prevent losses in a bear market isn’t always the right move. 3 Bear Market Strategies and Their Downfalls February 10, 2021 by Michael Carr Trading Strategies Taking action to prevent losses in a bear market isn’t always the right move.
Dogecoin was created by a couple bitcoin developers with a sense of humor. Then Tesla CEO Elon Musk tipped off a 600% rally. Is Dogecoin the Next Bitcoin? February 8, 2021 by Ian King Cryptocurrency, Winning Investor Daily Dogecoin was created by a couple bitcoin developers with a sense of humor. Then Tesla CEO Elon Musk tipped off a 600% rally.
As the vaccine distribution snafu revealed, new ideas can help address old problems even before they are apparent. What Traders Can Learn From the Vaccine Snafu February 3, 2021 by Michael Carr Trading Strategies, Winning Investor Daily Investors need real-world ideas to succeed in a stressed market.
Reddit Broke the Stock Market — Here’s What to Do Now February 2, 2021 by Steve Fernandez Stocks, Winning Investor Daily Social media outlets such as Reddit and Twitter have led novice traders to believe that trading stocks that Wall Street hates is their key to getting rich.

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