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This indicator follows the trend rather than forecasting the trend. That's the key to profits in 2019, and in every other year. Simple Stock Indicator to Avoid Losses and Spot Great Buys Following the trend rather than forecasting the trend is the key to profits in 2019, and in every other year.
Making Great Stuff Greater
by Joseph Hargett June 14, 2019 Great Stuff
So, the dog ate my homework, my car wouldn’t start and the internet is down. And my best friend’s sister’s boyfriend’s brother’s girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who’s going with a girl who saw Great Stuff pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it’s pretty serious. Speaking of serious, the Great Stuff staff […]
With the next stage in e-commerce competition coalescing around one-day delivery, the last mile is becoming the most important mile of all … one that can generate serious profits for you. What is the Hottest E-commerce Stock to Buy Right Now? With the next stage in e-commerce competition coalescing around one-day delivery, the last mile is becoming the most important mile of all … one that can generate serious profits for you.
Apple’s Rotten Truth
by Joseph Hargett June 4, 2019 Great Stuff
Apple Inc.’s (Nasdaq: AAPL) iTunes is dead. The iconic music software that helped drive iPod and iPhone sales is on the way out. Eighteen is such a young age to go. *Sniff* But it is a necessary death. iPhone sales have tanked for the past two quarters. Consumers just don’t see the point in paying more […]
The FTC Investigates Big Tech Companies Google and Amazon
by Joseph Hargett June 3, 2019 Great Stuff
Big Tech and the government … they see your every move. Now these two juggernauts of information are going head-to-head in classic trust-busting fashion. The Wall Street Journal reported over the weekend that the Department of Justice (DOJ) has launched two investigations into Alphabet Inc. (Nasdaq: GOOG) — aka Google — for antitrust violations. Separately, The Washington Post said […]

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