Offshore AmericaApril 21, 2017by Bob BaumanTaxesThe anti-offshore crowd of high-tax, deficit-spending politicians are trying to smear Nevada and other states as international money laundering centers.
The Market Says North Korea Isn’t a CrisisApril 20, 2017by Michael CarrGlobal EconomyEfficient markets assume that all traders, as a group, know everything. This is good news for those worried about the situation in North Korea.
You Might Want to Slow Down With TeslaApril 18, 2017by Joseph HargettInvestment OpportunitiesThis recent rush of bullish headlines in the news is enough to make Tesla stockholders giddy. And as any contrarian investor will tell you, that’s a problem.
Adapting to the New EconomyApril 17, 2017by Chad ShoopTrading StrategiesWith all the changes in the market in the past few months, the coming shift is inevitable … and you don’t want to be on the wrong side of it.
On an Average Day, Nothing HappensApril 17, 2017by Michael CarrStocksFundamentals change slowly. That’s why the stock market is little changed most days. But in the long run, those boring days add up to big gains.
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