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Time to Get Out of Real Estate June 7, 2016 Real Estate If you cashed out your real estate holdings in 2006, many — wrongly — would have called you crazy. One billionaire did just that, making his activity in today’s real estate market all the more ominous.
GE’s Disruptive Tech Boom … No, Really! June 3, 2016 Trading Strategies An old industrial giant, General Electric is about the last company you would expect to have disruptive potential. But GE’s leadership in the Internet of Things market is set to change all that.
The Great Banking Lie May 30, 2016 Government & Politics The financial sector wasn’t always looking for its next revenue fix. Savings and loan was the name of the game during the Industrial Revolution ... back before banks became economic parasites.
The Debt Problem No One’s Talking About May 27, 2016 U.S. Economy The financial media talks about massive government and private debt incessantly. But there is one rising debt load that no one is talking about, and it could bring about another market crash.
The Paradox of Cash: It’s Always the Government’s Money May 23, 2016 Currency For most of human history, we’ve lived in largely cashless societies. It’s nothing new. But there are concerns about a modern cashless society, and the real threat should terrify you.