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Great Stuff 9-11-2019 Fear Did Not Win on September 11, 2001
by Joseph Hargett September 11, 2019 Great Stuff
Fear Did Not Win I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing on this day 18 year ago. It’s one of those memories that’s forever burned in my brain … like January 28, 1986. On September 11, 2001, I was working as an inventory database specialist at a small manufacturing plant in […]
Invest Like the Rich Invest Like the Rich With This Financial Powerhouse This company is the epitome of the financial industry. It reported solid second-quarter numbers … even though it recently went through a big change.
Great Stuff 8-16-2019 GEnron, Nvidia’s New Normal and Buying Greenland
by Joseph Hargett August 16, 2019 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: GEnron, Nvidia’s New Normal and Buying Greenland The word on the Street today is that the market’s rallying because of strong consumer spending. Well, rallying is a strong word. Bouncing, maybe? Pretty much any positive news is going to lift spirits at this point, and Wall Street is clinging tightly to any […]
Star Trek meme Pot Stocks Are High, Jobs Are High, Trump Tweets … Not So Much
by Joseph Hargett August 2, 2019 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: Pot, Pins, Jobs and Tariffs There are two words that can put the fear of God in any investor these days. Just two simple words: “Trump tweeted.” Those two words turned yesterday’s Fed recovery rally into a panic-stricken retreat. I’m not exaggerating here, either. Remember way back on Monday when the Great […]
Corporations Rig the Investing Game – How to Protect Yourself The financial engineering tricks that have kept U.S. profits high on paper for the last decade are starting to falter.

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